Well, I've been updating this place. But I've neglected to post. As you can see I've began to read Just Ella. I'm madly posting on BOB(Books of Bayern). My parents think I'm insane, maybe I am, but I don't care. sometimes it good to be insane. I love Rping it's so much fun. It's like reading a choose your own adventure novel, only better. You control the story, every single detail (except for the other people's characters ;) ) but anyways, that's what I've been doing with my time. Yesterday i finally went in to get a permit to learn how to drive and guess what? It's super HARD to get a license. Nay, it's hard to get a permit. We thought all we need was proof of address, SS card, and a school ID. Mom made me one, since I was homeschooled. But no, you also to get a birth certificate. We don't have one on us, so we have to send away for one. *sigh* Oh well.