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Showing posts from June, 2008

If anything will go wrong, it will.

Rant Alert! I will now release my stress on my blog. Things that are going wrong this week, starting Saturday. The clothes washer broke. The power in my computer went out while I was vacuuming. (Obvisiously I got it turned back on) And last week our Jetta broke. And my dad is basically going to loose his job, because of a stupid boss. Which we found out a while ago. Why. Now? I know we get our trials so we can grow from them, but it's getting to be a hefty list with me. Blah.

A camping trip to remember

Day 1 Basically, we traveled for an hour and a half to the campground. We set up camp, ate dinner, said hi to the friends we were camping with, then part of my family went to see the ocean, and then went to bed. My feet froze. Day 2 I woke up after a cold, uncomfortable, sleep deprived night. It was seven or eight in the morning, I don't remember. We roasted bagel over the campfire and ate them with cream cheese. Yum. Then me, my dad, and two of my brothers walked down to the Smith River to take a look. When we got back from the river . . . I can't remember exactly what we did after that, but soon after we got in the car and drove about fifteen miles to the beach. You'll see some photographs of the river and beach here . We went to two different beaches, had lunch, saw crabs, squirrels and birds , then went back to camp. Mom made this really awesome dutch oven dinner, then we visited with our friends until late. We went to bed. I wore socks this time. My feet still...

I'm going camping!

My family is going coming to day, when my dad is done with work. Its going to be camping in the Redwoods and going to the beach. I charged the battery on my camera and an going to empty my card. I'm going to take lots of pictures. :D We'll be getting back Wednesday afternoon.

Evolution of a Needlepoint Butterfly

I made this: I started it at the beginning of the month and have finished it today. Its finished to me anyways. There's detail work that is suppose to be done, but I think it looks fine for now. I decided to do it for a project to keep me busy-ish and keep me off the computer a little more. It didn't work very well, but I still finished it and that's what counts. :)

Giving power to the people

So, I've decided to ask my small audience to help me with put stuff back on my blog. I'm going to ask you a few questions. Which features did you enjoy and want to see back? What did you think was unnecessary and should be left out this time? Any other feedback is also welcome.

Author Meme

Tagged by Enna Isilee The rules are... • Link to the person that tagged you, post the rules somewhere in your meme, answer the questions, tag six people in your post, let the tagees know they’ve been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog, let the tagger know your entry is posted. Who’s you all-time favorite author and why? *sucks in breath* I think I'll have to say . . . Jane Austen. The best chick lit author of her time. Who was your first favorite author and why? Do you still consider him/her among your favorites? Possibly the person who wrote the Frog and Toad Together books. Or the Bearenstein(how ever you spell the name) Bear's authors. Who’s the most recent addition to your list of favorite authors, and why? Hmm, that might be Stephenie Meyer, but I've been rereading a book by a person named Elodia Strain. She has written one of the funniest chick lit books I've ever read. :D If someone asked you who your favorite authors were right now, which authors wou...

Picture Time and Understatement of the Day

This guy stayed and let me get up close to him. I turned it black and white in Photoshop. Squirrel that came onto our porch, looking for nuts and seeds. This deer was a little wary of me, but let me get close enough to photograph her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Understatement of the Day! #2 (or yesterday really, but oh well) T. West:Um, well, I'm getting married. Me: Duh! Congrats, T. West. You've become Understatement #2