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Harry Potter Stuff

Here's my Survey of Harry Potter:

The Books in Order from Favorite to Least Favorite:

I like them all equally.

Number of Times You Have Read the Series:
3 or 4 times

Favorite Chapter from Your Favorite Book:
Nineteen Years Later :)

Five Favorite Characters:
McGonagall, Dumbledore, Hermione, Harry(or Ron)

Three Least Favorite Characters:
Mundungus Fletcher, Umbridge, Peter Pettigrew

Favorite Member of the Trio:

Three Favorite Magical Creatures:
Owls, Dragons, Unicorns

Favorite Family:
*spoiler*The Weasley's (the Ron and Hermoine version ;) )

Favorite Villain:

Favorite Death Eater:
I really don't know.

Favorite Non-Hogwarts Magical Building:
The Burrow

Favorite Diagon Alley Location:
The magical pets shop. (I forget the name)

Three Favorite Spells:
I have no clue

Three Favorite Potions:

Favorite Unforgivable Curse:
Imperius. The least scary

Favorite Department of Mysteries Room:
I don't have a favorite

Biggest Surprise:
*SPOILER*Dumbledore dies. Dobby dies. Basically anyone dying that I didn't expect to.
Fred :'(

Biggest Letdown:
I'm kind of disappointed in Mrs Weasley's language at the end of Book 7.

Favorite Mode of Transportation:
flying animal!

Favorite Weasley:

Favorite Order Member:

Favorite pet:

One Character You’d Bring Back to Life:

Moment That Will Always Make You Cry:
Dobby (you know the rest), when Harry is going to meet his doom with Voldie in Book 7 *sadness*

Favorite Hogwarts Room:
Room of Requirements

Favorite Class:
Either Care of Magical Creatures or Transfiguration

Favorite Teacher:
Professor McGongall She maybe strict at times, but deep down she's grandmotherly and fair.

Favorite DADA teacher:

Least Favorite Teacher:

Favorite Non-Human Hogwarts Resident:

Favorite Hogsmeade Location:
The goody shop :)

Favorite Triwizard Champion:

Favorite Triwizard Task:
The Maze

Which Character You’d Ask to the Yule Ball:
Ron, maybe, I really don't know

Which Character You’d Like to Use a Love Potion On:
No one

Which Character You’d Like to Use Veritaserum On:
Not sure

How Long You Have Been a HP Fan:
Since I can remember

Favorite Wizard Rock Band:
I don't know any

Number of Midnight Releases You Have Attended:
1 It was at Walmart. Does that count?

Favorite HP Website:

Most Ridiculous Potter Theory You’ve Heard:
The obviously wrong ones.

Character You’re Most Like:
Pro. McGonagall

House You Think You’d Be Sorted Into:

Your Patronus Would Be A:
horse, rabbit, or mouse

To You, Amortentia Would Smell Like:
I'm not sure what it is. But I'm guessing it smells like your favorite things.
So it would probably smell like pasta, sea spray, horse barn, rain.

You’d Use Felix Felicis To:
Not sure

The Job You Would Most Like to Try:
What Charlie Weasley does with dragons. Though it would be pretty scary.

Which You Would Rather See — a Sequel or a Prequel:

The Movies in Order from Favorite to Least Favorite:
I haven't seen the Fifth one yet so I can say yet.


Animagus or Metamorphmagus: Animagus
Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans or Chocolate Frogs: Chocolate frogs!
Black or Lupin: Black. I'm not sure why.
CAPSLOCK HARRY or Emo!Harry: I don't know what that means.
Death Eaters or Dumbledore’s Army: Dumbledores Army, dah!
Draco or Lucius: Draco
Durmstrang or Beaubaxtons: Beaubaxtons
Floo Powder or Broom: Broom :D
Fred or George: You can't have one without the other.
Grimmauld Place or The Burrow: THE BURROW
Herbology or Care of Magical Creatures: CoMC
Hippogriffs or Thestrals: Hippogriffs
Invisibility cloak or Pensieve: Pensieve
Mermish or Parselmouth: Merish
Occlumency or Legilimency: Legilimency.
Peeves or Nearly Headless Nick: Nick
Peter Pettigrew or Mundungus Fletcher: Fletcher. Just because the Peter in the movies was greatly annoying and gross.
Professor Binns or Professor Umbridge: Binns
S.P.E.W. or the Inquisitorial Squad: SPEW
The Ministry of Magic or Gringotts: Don't care
Three Broomsticks or The Leaky Cauldron: The three broomsticks
Werewolf or Inferi: Werewolf!
Whomping Willow or Flying Ford Anglia: Anglia
Yule Ball or Quidditch Championship: Yule Ball


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