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Dec of the 1st

So it's that time of year again. It came up behind me and bit me in the bum. It seems like it was just Christmas just a few months ago. But today I went to a Christmas party at my church with my mom. It was for all the women. We made baskets of goodies for needy people in the ward. Frosted cookies and sang songs. I helped play the piano. It was fun. :)


  1. I know what you mean. Here I am in December with no money and no creative ideas. Well... it's the thought that counts right?

  2. Sure is. Just has to be the right thought . . .

  3. I can't believe it's almost Christmas. Wow. *cries* I don't want this year to be over so quickly. I love the Christmas season, but I'm getting sad just seeing the Christmas lights out knowing that before long they'll be packed away again. *starts to sob*

    I really like the new layout, Taiger. It's a nice change.

  4. Thanks, I had the wicker pattern on the Title section on my computer. So I cropped it and added it in. I'm really please with the way it turn out. :) I was bored so I decided to make a change.


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