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The Host: by Stephenie Meyer

The Host
" . . . The Host should come with a warning label: it will grab you and keep you reading well into the wee hours of night . . ." ~ Ridley Pearson, Author of Killer Weekend
There is no joke on this suggestion. The warning label should read: Prepare for possible, voluntary sleep deprivation and lack of willpower to put down book. I spent about half a week reading this book and going to sleep at two in the morning, regularly. The last night, it was three thirty.

First of all I want to say, Wow! As Twilight goes, I liked the story and the characters are okay (if not annoying on a regular basis), but The Host is its own book entirely. I actually cared about Wanderer and Melanie, the two-part protaganist, they were so real to me, even the alien "soul" Wanderer.

I could connect so much better then I could ever have connected with Bella. I found myself sharing the same feelings on violence and other issues it goes into in this book. You will become a close friend with her, and by the last climatic decision she makes, you will be anxiously hoping that everything will turn out well, shed tears even.

Anilee, you said you only got to page 80. You didn't get nearly far enough, keep going, kid! (Uncle Jeb ism)

Stephenie Meyer is a masterful with her keyboard yet again, and this time you might actually like the characters. :)


  1. I know, I know. Like every review says that it starts out slow but gets really good later on. But I just didn't have the time and not loving the first person a lot...I just didn't feel like forcing myself to read it when there were other books that I was reading. But this summer, I'll read it.

  2. Do do do! And there's no Bella constantly drooling over Edward. ;)

  3. Taiger, you say that like it's a good thing. I miss Bella drooling over Edward. (No, seriously, I do; it's highly entertaining in a frustrating way.)

  4. *Decides 2 get it when the library gets it* :)


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