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Thoughts on the MADNESS fueled by prop 8

If you live in California, you're probably familiar with this prop. You've probably heard of it in other places too. It has caused quite a lot of controversy. But nothing excuses violence and down right mean-ness against one group of people from another.

This is Wrong:

This is Wrong:
The late local news showed scenes of several Hispanic females in tears outside the temple trying to remove the signs desecrating the walls and fences surrounding the temple. As these individuals – who according to a temple spokesperson were not church members – removed the hate-filled signs, the mob exploded and began beating the individuals to the ground. (Source: Meridian Magazine )
I'm not disallowing free speech, but going up and arms and attacking your fellowmen for them disagreeing with you is not right, whither you are Christian or not. It wasn't right when mobs ran us out of New York, Ohio, Missouri and Illinois. It wasn't right when Missourians tared and feathered our leaders. It wasn't right when they forced women and children to walk hundreds of miles to safety, in the dead of Missouri winter, some of them barefoot. It wasn't right when they burned down our ancestors homes.

The LA riot is very, um, frustrating? To say the very least. I mean, we weren't the only church to support Prop 8. But because we're the religion everybody loves to hate, and probably the least likely to ruffle our feathers in anger, they choose to target us. And funny thing is, if we had been Jewish or Muslim, bad news baby.

I'm sorry, I get really frustrated with people who think that being mean will get them what they want. These people think that a good tantrum will get them what they want, but that's something they should have learned at two that tantrums don't always work.


  1. Seriously. I was just watching that and thinking, "What is wrong with you people? Accept that we will not approve of you and move on. Move to Massachusetts if you really want to be married."

  2. Disturbing.

    For one thing, the church did not directly give money to supporting proposition 8--its members did.

    For another thing, targeting temples is just disturbing. This was not an act by the church--the proposition passed by a majority of people from all different religions.

    Why not target the Catholics? Or all the other religions that exercised their same freedom of speech?

    I have become increasingly convinced that this about protecting the traditional family. End of story. Not about discriminating against anybody.

    But people have made this ugly. And it's disturbing.

  3. Ugh, being in California (plus being Catholic), this comes up so much (though it's finally starting to slow down). This makes no sense to me why people are being like this. We voted Yes-on-8 (ok, really my parents did since I can't vote, but I supported it), and I don't think it was right for them at all to go so out of hand.

    As a side note, that temple there is just down the street from where my aunt lives, so everytime we go to see her, we pass by there. She says it was really scary on election day around her area. Geez.


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