Today and yesterday it has been raining. It's the first real rain we've had in a while. Yesterday there was a little bit of sun, but today it's all cold and gloomy. Yesterday the rain seemed beautiful, it smelled good. But today it feels all bleak and cold. It surely is falling into Autumn here. I hope it starts getting happy again.
^I made this sign. :) A year from today, my public library closed down because of lack of funds. So we had a rally/funeral/memorial service for our library today. A group of people and kids march down our downtown area and up to the courthouse front steps. Reporters from the local news, radio and paper were there. The newspaper that was doing the story could send out a photographer, so I got to be the "photographer" I took pictures and I read a poem I wrote about the library closing. So I might appear on the local news, which is weird and cool at the same time. And here's the poem I wrote: Destruction of a Library World of Words, Their time is ending. On the shelves they sigh a bitter sigh. Why should people cry? Only words on paper Behind brick walls Why do I sigh, This humble cry? Why do the words mean so much to me? How can people not feel what I feel? About an old building that smells like old paste That binds together beautiful words In the arms of ancient paper Old...
The temperature's supposed to drop 20 degrees tomorrow with rain. I love bleak and cold weather :d