I don't know how many have been following my 365 photo challenge, but it is finito! So does that mean the end of my blog? Nah. I'll still be around, here are a few things you might be seeing in the near future. Instead of a daily photo, I hope to bring you the best photos of the week, month. Anyway you look at it, there will be photos. Do you ever wonder what all those functions are for on your camera? I've come across many people who don't know how to use their cameras beyond AUTO. Thus I will be debuting "Stepping out of the Little Green Box". Each post will focus on one feature, so you can learn without getting data overload. I'll keep it interesting and short, because let's face it. In this day and age, we want out information short and sweet. Do you have any suggestions, questions? Put a comment down below and I'll answer you.
cute! I love squirrels :)